ID 25501 Age: 22 Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty/Turbinectomy performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 1 month post-op.
ID 25501 Age: 22 Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty/Turbinectomy performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 1 month post-op.
ID 25161 Age: 18 Open Rhinoplasty w/submucous resection/Septoplasty & Spreader grafts to improve airway performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 6 months…
Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty/Partial Turbinectomy performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 7 months post-op.
ID 24719 Age: 21 Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 4 months post-op.
ID 24116 Age: 19 Open Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 6 months post-op.
Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 1 month post-op.
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