ID 21694 Age: 30 Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 6 months post-op.
ID 21694 Age: 30 Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 6 months post-op.
ID 20861 Age: 24 Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty/Turbinectomy performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 1 year post-op.
ID 20023 Age: 18 Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty/Turbinectomy performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 8 months post-op.
ID 20660 Age: 17 Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 3 months post-op.
ID 20899 Age: 25 Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Michael Epstein in North Shore Chicago, 5 months.
ID 16946 AGE: 21 Secondary Rhinoplasty (previously done by another doctor) – Rasp Dorsum, debulk supratip & increase rotation of tip performed by Dr. Michael…
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