The Ideal Candidate for a Tummy Tuck

Who is an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck? I’m often asked this question, and for the most part, the answers are pretty straightforward. To start, a tummy tuck candidate is someone who wants to remove specific areas of loose skin or abdominal fat that have been resistant to diet and/or exercise. The tummy tuck candidate… Read More

Does a Breast Augmentation Hurt?

Does breast augmentation hurt? This is a question that we hear over and over again by those considering breast implants. The simple answer would be, not necessarily, as it usually depends on the placement of the implant. Some of our patients receive sub-glandular placement (which is over the muscle), while others receive a sub-muscular placement… Read More

There Are No Guarantees, But There Are Warranties!

While no one can guarantee that the outcome of a breast augmentation will be perfect, it’s good to know that there are warranties when it comes to the implants that are used. In the United States, there are three main FDA approved companies that supply breast implants: Allergan, Mentor and Sientra, and all three offer… Read More

Is The Cost of an Implant Based on the Size?

Not in our office.  Implant costs are based on two factors, neither of which is size.  There are however, cost differences with regard to the type of implant you choose.  On the market today consumers have a choice between silicone (gel) or saline (water) implants.  Although silicone implants are typically more expensive; 99% of our… Read More

When is the best time to undergo plastic surgery?

Whatever plastic surgery procedure you are considering, it’s important to ask yourself whether or not it’s the right time to have it done. If you have a special event coming up (like a wedding or a high school reunion), be sure to ask your plastic surgeon about typical healing times and what to expect in the… Read More

Plastic Surgery Revisions – Who Pays?

It is the hope and plan of all plastic surgeons that their patients are happy and satisfied with their initial surgical results. With that being said, unfortunately, there are no guarantees that this will happen, and there are times when patients will need surgical revisions to achieve the desired outcome. While we wish it were… Read More