Tuesdays With The Doc
Tuesdays with the Doc 11/29/2016

Tuesdays with the Doc 11/15/2016

Tuesdays with the Doc 9/20/2016

Tuesdays with the Doc 7/19/16

Tuesdays with the Doc 6/28/16

Tuesdays with the Doc 6/21/16

Tuesdays with the Doc 6/7/16

Tuesdays with the Doc 5/17/16

Tuesdays with the Doc 4/12/2016

Tuesdays with the Doc 3/29/2016

News and Media
Dr. Epstein featured on Oprah after the show

ABC 7 - Health Beat "Turning Back the Hands of Time Chicago

Windy City Personal Story

Hair Restoration with Chicago Plastic Surgeon

Hair Restoration Chicago, Illinois

MDTV Interview with Dr. Michael A. Epstein

Before and After Episode featuring Dr. Michael Epstein

Cosmetic Procedures with Special Guest Dr Michael A. Epstein MD, FACS MDTV)

TranscendMedspa website intro

ABC7 - Healthbeat with Dr. Epstein

TouchMD with Dr. Michael Epstein

Discovery Channel feature - Dr. Michael Epstein

Mommy Makeover in Chicago - Getting Ready for Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery in Chicago, Illinois

NBC 5 extreme esteem makeover

The Learning Channel - Dr. Michael Epstein feature

Is Plastic Surgery in Chicago Right For You?

Importance of finding a Chicago Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

InMode: Lumecca

WLS Healing the Children 7 10 16

MAE Plastic Surgery : America's Best

WCIU You and Me Healing the Children 7 12 16

Why choose MAE Plastic Surgery?

Where Do MAE Patients Come From?

Chicago Plastic Surgeon Board Certified

Medical Spa in Chicago, Illinois- Transcend MedSpa

Transcend Med Spa Product: Sheer Physical Sunscreen

Facial Skin Treatment

Breast Augmentation and Rhinoplasty

Breast Augmentation Consultation

Chicago Hair Restoration

Chicago Facelift procedure

A Perfect Peel in Chicago

Laser Skin Resurfacing in Chicago, Illinois

Medical Spa Chicago Skin Care Products

BOTOX® Injections Chicago Illinois Get Rid of Wrinkles

BOTOX® Injections Chicago Illinois Facial Rejuvenation

Reaction by Viora Demonstration

Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty

Transcend Med Spa Product: Hydrating Antioxidant Sunscreen

Transcend Med Spa Product: Vitamin C Serum 15%

Transcend Med Spa Product: Total Eye Repair

Vectra 3D Imaging

Transcend Med Spa Product: Hyaluronic Moisture Boost

Dr Epstein's Transcend Medspa - Chicagoland's Best Medical Spa

Facelift Surgery Procedure in Chicago - Dr. Epstein

Chicago Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Questions and Answers

Dr Epstein - Breast Implant Removal and Revision in Chicago, IL

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

MAE Plastic Surgery Patient Testimonials

My Rhinoplasty Experience

Facelift Surgery Procedure in Chicago - Dr. Epstein

Schedule Your Chicago Plastic Surgery Consultation
Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Michael Epstein, performs plastic surgery for patients all over Chicago and the surrounding areas. Call us today for scheduling. Meet Dr. Epstein